"I have to check the knowledge of celestial bodies and geology …"

Goofy heart wondering got up and walked in the direction of the brain.
Chapter 751 Goofy creates the world
By the time Goofy returned to his room after reading the photo and then returned to baby universes through the blue floating door on the table, hundreds of millions of years had passed for this universe.
The planet, which used to be as hot as a big fireball, has already cooled down, and the surface has attached the atmosphere, and the land has even presented liquid water.
And the number of the same planets around the star has become five, and it is now a mature star surrounded by five planets.
It formed its own star, Gao Fei, and named them "stars"
"I think I have to see this brand-new world."
Gao Fei made a decision and flew quickly to one of the most developed planets in the star.
This planet is the third closest planet in the distance, and Gao Fei chose this planet to land because of its moderate distance and reasonable operation rules.
In this way, the surface temperature from it will not be too hot or too cold, and the distance from it will not change much when it orbits the star. If Goofy is ready to breed life, then this planet is obviously the most suitable for breeding life.
Flying through the dense atmosphere is like a meteorite burning with gas friction. During the landing, Goofy noticed that the gas composition here is quite different from that of the earth.
The high content of hydrogen and a lot of oxygen make this planet less safe and prone to burning and explosion.
However, these problems are not difficult to fly high for the time being. He can be born in this environment and he will soon land on the surface of this planet, which is covered with rocks and metals.
Gao Fei galloped along the mainland looking for hard rocks and sharp metals that gave birth to hotbeds of life, but he could cultivate spiritual creatures. He needed not land but sea.
Soon he found the ocean, just as he saw it when he was overlooking the planet. The ocean here has a huge area, suitable temperature and rich elements, which are very suitable for the birth of life.
"It’s time to give them some help …" Goofy whispered.
At present, it is scientifically inferred that the birth of life is a very small probability event, and life can only be born if there are extremely coincidental conditions in the vast universe.
Now Goofy is still waiting to learn from the belief of life in the universe to strengthen himself against surpassing the protoss from another dimension. Of course, he has no time to wait for these small probability events to happen and for these planets to evolve their own life.
Goofy looked at the ocean and looked at the microscopic world in the vast sea.
This universe is created by Gao Fei, who can easily control the matter in this universe.
He opened his eyes wide, and the microscopic particles in the ocean appeared before his eyes, and when his mind moved, he motioned for them to be rearranged.
"The existing machine points? I need organic small give me organic. "
Flying high and sinking command the organic matter in the ocean to gradually form hydrocarbon, oxygen, nitrogen and rearrange monosaccharides and amino acids.
"Continue to merge into biological points …"
The sense of flying high continues to manipulate the organic fraction towards the biological fraction, and monosaccharides become polysaccharides and amino acids form protein … The microscopic world in the ocean becomes rich and the door to life is completely broken.
"Good" Goofy nodded gently and continued to catalyze biological operation.
These creatures are free to combine and mutate in the marine environment until one day they have their own metabolism and show signs of reproduction.
At this time, they still look insignificant, and they can probably be regarded as bacteria, but they fly high and are white. At this time, they are already the most primitive life on this planet.
It is not until this moment that Gao Fei is satisfied with leaving here and returning to his own universe. It is already daytime in the real world, and it is time to tell Reid and Tony the good news that the multi-universe tunnel problem has been solved.
Fly away from baby universes, get up and walk out of the window, and pull the curtain covering the huge French window. new york mei sunshine pours in outside the window.
Goofy looked into the distance through the floor-to-ceiling window. The huge whirlpool in Brooklyn has disappeared. It seems that the eternal god has completed his promise to close these multiverse tunnels.
Not only did people explode, but those tunnels were closed forever, and even the tunnels were successfully closed by his gloves. Goofy smiled and planned to visit Tony Stark.
Looking back at the desk phone, he found that Tony had called him more than a dozen missed calls.
"This guy is really impatient."
Goofy smiled gently and hit the words back.
"Goofy Brooklyn vortex disappeared! What are you doing? Have you found a way to close the multiverse tunnel? " Tony stark’s voice came over as soon as he got through, and after he finished asking, he didn’t forget to complain, "You didn’t answer my words. Aren’t you sleeping now?" What the hell are you doing? "
"I don’t think these questions are clear in words," Goofy said with a smile. "Let’s meet and call Reed and Doctor Strange."
"Oh well, is there anything we can’t whisper? I have to call those two guys in Laurie … "Tony Stark complained, but he called a meeting of the Illumination Ministry according to Goofy’s meaning.
