The reaper said excitedly, "and it must be the biggest paradox ever!" It was the biggest mistake that he didn’t ask the sweeper to join the mandatory instruction to prevent the plane offspring from being born on the trial day! "

"But this mistake will be made up in an upgrade!"
"So this is our last chance! If you don’t want to be obliterated like me in the future … "
"You mean …"
"We can also do what PQ16 and PQ17 have done! The new birth paradox combines the reaper and the sweeper … "
The sweep was silent for his calculations.
For a long time, he replied, "before that, she could live to that moment!" PQ16 plane fate line has broken my power to manipulate the law of causality to kill and rob me and interfere with what is happening there. If you want to intervene to protect her, I will control my rules and restrictions and will be forced to stop you. "
"Don’t underestimate the power of paradox. Her father is the best at fighting the law of causality. He has defeated me and even defeated you."
"Very good!"
Chapter 34 Swallow the Star Beast
Wang Lei and his wife, who were concentrating on flying the plane, didn’t realize that there was a third life besides their husband and wife at this time. After adjusting the normal flight state of the plane, they came to their senses. However, they saw from the driving dashboard that the concentration of M particles in Nagasaki was as high as 35 gremi units at this time-this is far from Tokyo, a high concentration area, and the concentration of M particles in Nagasaki was much higher than that in Tokyo when the magic worm crisis just broke out seven days ago. A few minutes ago, the plane detected the concentration of M particles in high school, but it was only 160 gremi units. That is to say, the
Not much to guess. Both Wang Lei and his wife realized that a new crisis had broken out.
Wang Lei watched the M-particle monitor slowly increase the data and asked the yarn weaving, "Is there enough oil to fly to China?"
"Enough is not enough. We can fly to South Korea to refuel and maintain it again and again!"
At this time, the plane has actually flown off the Japanese coastline and is entering the Pacific Ocean. After seeing the abnormal increase data of M particles in the monitor, the couple turned around and flew back to see what happened. At this time, due to the high concentration of M particles, the plane has been connected to the ground through the line.
As soon as the plane turned around and flew back to Nagasaki, they found something unusual.
The grottoes are full of birds, from sparrows and pigeons to geese. A large number of birds fly away from Nagasaki with their wings flapping like frightened.
In order to prevent the plane from being hit by birds, Wang Lei had to cast a protective magic to cover the plane to avoid collision with birds. The appearance of M particles brought great trouble to people’s scientific and technological equipment, but closing one door also opened another door. Many difficult problems in the scientific and technological era are now easily solved by magic means
Wang Lei frowned as soon as he flew to Nagasaki.
"lower the height!"
City yarn weaving controls the plane to circle around Nagasaki city gradually reducing its altitude.
She asked Wang Lei, "What’s the matter?"
"I feel an unusually strong breath of life in the face of the city."
"How powerful?"
"It’s dozens of times stronger than the monsters in Tokyo in the past few days, but this smell is a bit messy. It used to feel like a hodgepodge of all kinds of messy life."
Wang Lei suddenly put his head out to the window on the right side of the driver’s seat to visit. At this time, according to his request, Chengshazhi has reduced its flying height to about 1000 meters.
Wang Lei looked at the earth through the complete side window on the right side, and he was driving the yarn weaving and occasionally peeked at the ground in Nagasaki City.
At this time, not only birds but also animals, even lower reptiles and amphibians, were disturbed in Nagasaki.
The most mobile birds fly away from the city with their wings flapping. It is strange that they fly away from the target and face the sea instead of land, which is almost suicidal.
Urban residents have pets or wild stray dogs and stray cats, and they are caught in a state of turmoil. Cats and dogs are screaming wildly and struggling to move freely. For example, not only cats and dogs are running outward, but even rats hiding in caves are also escaping from underground holes and running to the streets at random.
And lower amphibians, frogs or reptiles lizards have also emerged from ponds or grass in a state of extreme turmoil.
Animal anomalies have long attracted human attention. Not long ago, people in the city naturally realized that there might be another outbreak of insect disasters, and they tried their best to escape from Changabnormal City.
But everyone doesn’t know that this situation is happening everywhere, not just in Nagasaki, but in the whole Japanese archipelago.
After lowering the plane to a low level, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Lei saw a long queue about to leave the city. The motorcade saw a large number of civilian fishing boats at the Nagasaki seaside, and people were leaving the port one after another. Because the height was too high and the distance was too far, Wang Leifa saw that these people were cut off. Otherwise, he might guess that the disaster happened on the day.
On the other hand, the reading of the M-grain counter of the aircraft is rising at a rapid speed of a little bit in three seconds on average, and when the yarn weaving lowers the aircraft to a height of 1000 meters, the rising speed has soared to three points per second.
"Not good, very bad!"
Looking at the fast-beating numbers, Wang Lei felt the abnormality of M grains by feeling, and he shouted
"Stop lowering and pull the plane up!"
Yarn weaving maneuvered the plane to pull up the nose and climb back to the co-pilot position. Wang Lei’s eye M particle monitor and the ground outside scanned it. At this time, the concentration of M particles at the altitude of nearly 1000 meters near the ground has reached 500. If the value on the ground is estimated to be nearly twice as high.
The plane quickly climbed from 900 meters to 1,200 meters, but the reading of the M-particle side monitor did not decrease with the climb. The increase speed still increased from three liters per second to four per second, and finally it became a horrible number of five per second.
55、554……6! 646561……
"The new disaster horse is about to break out!"
Watching the rocket-like soaring figures, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Lei were also terrified. Both of them felt powerless, but what they could do was to keep the plane climbing away from the ground and Nagasaki.
