General Thomas finally knew why Zhao Li would join him at this time, and also stressed that Zhao Li had lost two billion yuan in amethyst on the safety line to describe it.

General Thomas couldn’t help but feel dizzy when he confirmed the exact number. Although he has seen more money at this level, he has never... Read More

The moment stung the heart of the stars and the sky!

A moment stings the brain nerve that Xingtianmo has been sleeping for a long time! Deep in my mind, several blood flowers stimulated her! "Star... Read More

You can’t hide such a big event. Of course, Sanqing didn’t want to hide it.

"Don’t be angry, two Taoist friends. It is also good for you to do so." Seeing that these two people are too angry, the sage... Read More

Purple-gold sword awn poured directly with irresistible terrorist power.

"It’s impossible to defeat me." Liu Long once again yelled that his body was incredibly rotated for three times and escaped the forest edge attack... Read More

Hearing Su Li say this, Xu Xuehui heaved a long breath and then showed relief. It seems that she was just thinking about how to explain it, which made her very nervous.

Su Li believes that Xu Xuehui won’t lie to herself. Since she said that there is no difference, there is definitely no difference, which also... Read More

There is a high probability that you will always win the cunning character.

In this case, I can’t let him get what he wants. So Schustr came to the sidelines to wake up his players and told them... Read More

It’s not just a joke, it’s true when one person is powerful enough to threaten the clan.

obviously Xian feng zi Chen Have such strength. "This is really a problem." "Terran immortal words wind zichen heart have scruples can’t I turned against... Read More


九宫大神扭头一看“良臣……你什么意思?难道你认我会不是他对手?!” 良臣冲九宫大神摇摇头道“我不是这个意思少爷您是神祗武士受天照大神加护虽然目前还能获得最基属性加成不能获得神力加成但是要对付区区一个方神圣也是绰绰有余!不过您这么做不自贬身份他方神圣算什么东西?充其量也就是个智莽夫一愚蠢支那猪而已怎配高贵您交手?!杀他会脏了您手!” “嗯……你说对!区区一支那猪确不配少爷亲自出手!不过……!”九宫大神话锋一转道“这个方神圣实在猖狂极目中人居然敢如此蔑视我大和玩家决不能放过他!!” “确不能再让他继续猖獗去了……既然这个方神圣胆敢我整个日区玩家敌那就干脆让我们日区所有玩家一起将他碎尸万段平民愤!我想广大玩家们一定会很支持您这个建议!”良臣语气不急不缓建议道 “好!”九宫大神采纳了良臣意见当即使统公共频道对所有在场日区玩家道“所有玩家听令这支那猪竟然敢我整个日区玩家敌实在罪该万死现在我就把他交给你们!你们可亲手把他碎尸万段解心头恨!!” “杀——!!!”听到九宫大神通告场外所有鬼玩家顿时沸腾了群情潮涌化一股滔天巨浪争相恐后朝结界中九重冲杀过去 瞬九重便被淹没在茫茫人海中! 第二百三十章 自己人 正文第二百三十章 自己人 “杀!!!”面对怒海狂háo般鬼玩家九重所畏惧爆出一惊天动地长啸汹涌来鬼玩家惨烈厮杀在一起! 九重可步步蚕食屠戮数百万鬼玩家但是却不可能同时应对数百万玩家同时进攻更况这一次围攻他鬼玩家止数百万少有千万在天中形成一片汪洋般人海边际 九重单凭一己力遭到如此众多玩家围攻就算有通天能也不可能再闯出重围逃出生天 不过九重来就没打算逃出去他要就是在所有鬼玩家面前轰轰烈烈战死一次! 尽管九重身属ìng已经达到变态程度尽管九重已经三大控灵部合体但是面对百千万鬼玩家攻击仍旧是显得那么苍白力弱不禁风一bō攻击九重就被铺天盖地攻击轰得灰飞烟灭连点渣都没有剩 “哈哈……哈哈哈!他死了!这个支那狂徒他死了!”看到九重灰飞烟灭鬼玩家们差点喜极而泣所有玩家都疾欢呼“他终于被我们给杀死啦——!!!” 听到玩家们欢呼九宫大神等一众会长脸sè也终于部雨过天晴lù出了得意微笑 就在其他会长还在得意时九宫大神马再次使统公共频道对所有日区玩家喊道“各位同胞你们都看到了吗?这就是挑战我大和民族威严场!凡是敢挑战我大和民族威严者我大神盟必诛没有人可践踏我大和名族威严!!” “大神盟万岁!大神盟万岁!!大神盟万岁!!!”听到九宫大神话日区玩家们群情高亢拥护如háo般响起一làng高过一làng Seeing the Japanese players react,... Read More

After Ted and others entered the urn, Peter, the second director, made the conference building directly cut off physically …

Just as Mark climbed to the 30th floor with Jack and three secret service members. Debbie’s words suddenly came from the headset. "… wait, boss.... Read More

"Fairy!" The leader of a group of people coming from the stairs was surprised in a low voice! In his early twenties, he looks elegant and purple! He is still handsome!

"Master! That’s them! " The excited voice continued to shout that a pair of credit is very strong! "It turned out to be a few... Read More